KL Bird Park
Monday, September 04, 2006
<<-- Chicken and Peacock.
I went to KL Bird Park on July 16 with Su, Jeremy and 2 other girl. The park is quite big and lot of birds to see. You must be wondering since when I'm so into birds? Aha, then you really don't know me that well. I'm a big fan of bird(s). I have a bird, love to eat bird (chicken) and I like watching bird on TV.
Anyway, enough about me and bird. If I remember correctly, I had bird flu that day when I was visiting Bird Park. The running nose make the whole trip so tiring for me. Ah Su also got pissed off that day as she didn't get enough sleep and need to wake up early to go Bird Park. Who briliant idea was that? Jeremy suggested it and since I was in town that time, might as well go see birds...
Jeremy's paintball outing was alot better (I heard) but unfortunatey I'm stuck with work and need to report to my slave master. Sad ... I was once a slave driver, and now I'm a slave ... but then life is all about work and no fun (according to Ah Su). Ah Su think life is to made tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of money and laugh all the way to the bank. That girl is crazy and almost a workaholic. Proud like a peacock too ...
These days I have so much things to blog but don't have the bloody time for it ... even sleep also no time! Sleeping is so precious for me ... I think I better stop here and go to sleep. I need to finish up more work and rush back to KL for a while. My sister just sent me an sms to ask me to go home, telling me that someone almost die the other day. To me, it's just a small matter, I also once thought I almost die in the toilet (after shit to alot of blood) but I didn't die. I'm still well and alive here .... ;)