06/06/06 - June 06, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Today is an auspicious day for chinese (according to some people) and it's also the rebirth of The Omen. The month of June is a month of anniversary. I have my friend, Mani wedding anniversary last week, and then their anniversary for moving to their new home on Saturday last week. Today, my PDA just tell me that it's Allan and Yew Thin wedding anniversary! I just send Allan an sms to wish him for the occasion. This week, my friend, Victor birthday is coming and then Timothy wedding anniversary is also around the corner! Weekend, I realise it's my mum birthday. Must ask my "crazy" girlfriend to think of something for that. That crazy Su is in town to present her research paper for some event in KL. If you ask me what's that research all about, it's about her Master research, but she like to make a joke out of it, by telling me that her research is about "penis" .... now you know why she is crazy?